Japan only has 13 female CEOs in top-listed firms: reports

New findings show Japan is 'still slow to increase diversity' in leadership

What if a worker falsely declares their employment under a Work Pass?

Singapore court clarifies meaning of 'employment' in convicted worker's appeal

Foreign-owned firms employing higher-earning Singaporeans: MOM data

'We need to remain open to global talent and attract foreign investments'

Pizza Hut offers to print resumes on pizza boxes to help jobseekers find work

Restaurant chain wants to help jobseekers ‘make a lasting impression'

Employees doubtful employers can deliver EVP promises: Gartner

New survey shows only a third believe their employer can consistently deliver

Singapore's total employment growth more than doubled in Q2

Non-resident employment emerges as sole driver of total employment increase

Half of jobseekers admit to cheating during online tests: report

Cheaters using smartphones, tablets, computers and friends, according to survey

Over half of C-suite executives expect more deepfake financial fraud: Deloitte

'In the years ahead, it'll become more critical for organisations to both identify and address deepfake risks,' says expert

Following employee’s death, Bank of America introduces timekeeping tool

Company's 80-hour cap on weekly hours said to be ignored by managers


VP discusses how employers in Asia can chart the path towards better wellbeing


'What people want from their employer is very relevant,' says Alison Scott, chief people officer

Viral Nation's SVP of people on the role of neuroscience and psychology in HR leadership


What are your thoughts on candidates who dramatically alter their CV photo?